Sunday, August 18, 2013

Leap of Faith

Today was our last day as a team in Haiti. In some ways, it feels it has gone quickly, in other ways, it feels we have been here and known this wonderful place and its people for much longer.

Our day started with a trip to Grace Village to participate in worship. It was a powerful and moving experience. Our team joined the children and staff of Grace Village, as well as other members of the surrounding community who gather each week to celebrate and give thanks together. The cozy room in which we worshiped was filled with an energy and spirit unlike anything I have ever been apart of. It was a memorable morning our team will undoubtedly carry with us in each of our hearts as we return home.

Next, it was off to the beach for our final team excursion! After we left Grace Village, we headed to Wahoo Bay Beach for an afternoon of swimming. The beach was beautiful! Surrounded by mountains and flowering trees, it was the perfect setting for an afternoon of relaxation and reflection. Team members enjoyed floating in the water, collecting sea shells to show children or other loved ones at home, and even jet skiing for a lucky few!

My favorite part of the beach experience was when we got the idea from another group of beach goers to do some “pier jumping.” Similar to cliff jumping, only off a pier-like structure instead.  Standing high above the clear water, the rocks looked frighteningly close to the surface. Brunet, our translator, told me repeatedly that it was safe, but I still had my doubts, those rocks looked so close!However, I overcame my fears and took a leap of faith into the beautiful water below. To my surprise, it was actually quite deep! It was an exhilarating experience that I was happy to try more than once.

For me, the jump from the pier was representative of the leap of faith that many of us took in making this trip. We set aside our fears and doubts to answer the call and open our hearts to all that Haiti had to offer us. We are the ones who are blessed to have had this experience and are forever changed as a result. As we return home to our loved ones tomorrow, we will remember the people, the places, and the emotions we felt here. In the future, when life presents us with situations that challenge us and stretch us to our limits, let us continue to push ourselves outside of our comfort zones and take the leap of faith!



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