It is our last night here in Haiti and our journey is almost finished. Or is it? I have felt many emotions in various degrees of intensity through out the week. Obviously some good and some bad. Frustration, Inspiration, Compassion, Respect, Hope, Anger and Peace. I may think of a few more words here in a minute but I am delirious with exhaustion.
Some of us went back to the home for the sick and dying children yesterday. We had an option of either going back or doing some other activity. I felt called to go back one more time and I am glad I did, as it gave me a kind of closure and a feeling of relief. I saw some of the children who were initially quite ill looking, looking more alert and less lethargic in their crib. This time I saw more order than chaos and felt I was more able to be present for the little ones. I held them in my arms and sang songs to them. Songs I have sung to my own children so many times before. It gave me some peace. I hope they felt that peace, love and comfort too. I hope I will always remember that one little boy staring up at me so intently, and then giving me that beautiful toothless smile that only a baby can do. It just touched my heart to the core.
Then today, we headed back up to Grace Village for church. The service was beautiful. But it was a very long service..2 hours! I have to say it was a very religious experience for me as I was constantly thanking Jesus when I was able to sit down and then I would Thank Jesus when I got to stand because my butt was so numb or my legs were so tired from standing..2 hours I tell ya! But seriously to hear all those children singing so loud and proud and with such passion I am pretty sure my friends were just as misty eyed as I was. It was a very moving experience. One I will never forget.
I am filled up inside. Haiti is an amazing place with such beauty. But the poverty and the destruction that still exists 2 1/2 years after the Earthquake is shocking. I am hopeful for Haiti,the changes are there, albeit slow, but they are there. The children up at Grace Village could be that change for the future. Great things are happening up there. Its my hope that my family and I can come back in the future, having them experience a mission trip as well. I would love to share this with them. But if not Haiti then maybe just helping out in our community to begin with.
Thank you my fellow team members for sharing a part of yourselves with me. This was an unforgettable, incredible and awesome journey to have shared with you. We will take back with us many memories and many questions. Hopefully in time the answers will be given to us. But I know that I saw the light of Christ shinning so bright in each and every one of you and it was beautiful!
Jennifer Keller Sirianni
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